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Matthew Fry

☼ SOUL DIVINATION ☼ 16 yrs experience. Accurate, insightful, w/depth, timeframes & details. Letting what resonates flow through… Moved by soul, Led by heart ♡ Witnessed by mind, Guided by star ☆ Love & Blessings to you! It's an honour & joy to serve ~Matt


Accurate & honest readings that bring clarity. Blessed relationship insights & love guidance. Thoughts/feelings.

As an energy intuitive & divination expert I can read the energy within & around you, as well as those in your life, responding with profoundly insightful impressions & loving, soulful guidance. I work in partnership with the Universe to deliver empowering, intelligent, timely & relevant messages inspired by a spiritual source. The intention is to bring through that which your soul wants to know; letting what resonates flow through me to you.

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IMPORTANT NOTE: To give you the most excellent service I like to tune-in & prepare before sharing with you live. If you would like to experience a reading, please call as-per-usual to tell me your name, date of birth, & question/focus; I will then tune-in for 3-5min before we begin your reading.

☼ No questions necessary – you’re welcome to request a "General Reading" :)

CloseDegrees and Qualifications:

"Let Divine Truth, Light, and Love expand within me and guide me. I request my Masters & Teachers, Angels and Guides be with me now, & for Truth and Accuracy to be obtained, in the Highest Good of All. Thank you, thank you, thank you."


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"Matt is a phenomenal professional who walks in integrity and authenticity. He carefully explores presented enquiries to connect with empowered perspectives from Universal wisdom, spiritual clarity, and compassionate understanding in alignment with one’s highest good. Matt is a distinct individual as well. The love he feels for the Divine, is the love he feels for life and all humanity. His sensitive, thoughtful, and courteous nature is a joy. It is without reservation I recommend Matthew Fry for your spiritual enquiries, knowing you will find a wonderful and gifted professional committed to uncompromising excellence throughout his work. My heartfelt gratitude to you Matt, for honoring Spirit and inspiring love in all you share and do." – Gil


I was 19 when I experienced a spiritual awakening, 3 months into an adventure that had taken me to the other side of the world, far far away from my hometown in England. I had moved to Australia, carefree and living la dolce vita when the rapture happened. For me it was a suspended moment in time where I touched god-consciousness, a profound mystical oneness and incredible opening and realisation that changed me forever. Prior to that moment, although gifted with an abundance of love in my life, I had no conscious spiritual threads, no religion or philosophy, I was a blank canvas in that respect; suddenly painted with an awesome spectrum of majestic colour. For several weeks even my physical vision was enhanced with everything appearing brighter and more lucid. Transformed, reborn, life became deeply magical, and I felt guided in every step I took, feeling that I was here on a mission. I had a purpose for being. Immediately after this awakening I began to seek out anything that would further elucidate what had happened to me, and, over time, this journey of self discovery and spiritual exploration led me again and again to numerous means of divination. I had an unquenchable thirst and burning desire to move forward only by the guidance of my soul, to do what was in alignment with my destiny. I still am this way today, only now part of my destiny is to help quench other’s thirst and feed the fires of their souls with divination and awareness, fresh perspectives and spiritual counsel. I’m living my purpose and dreaming awake, a modern day mystic 16 years into an amazing spiritual quest, blessed to do my soul’s work, full of love, grace and giftedness.

I, Matthew Fry, see and draw to me, through Divine Love, those beings who seek enlightenment through my process, the sharing shall elevate us both.

♡ Some words from Awesome Clients ♡

"An absolute GEM! You’ll be astounded by Matt’s accuracy, wisdom and compassionate reading. I was left on a high with more soul capital! Thank you."

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"What a treasure! Spoke quickly from his heart and shared details that were spot on! A joy and a blessing for anyone seeking clarity and grace in their lives!"

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"Thanks so much Matthew. I’m kind of at a loss for words at the moment. Your reading resonated very deeply with me and I’m a little bit teary right now! Alot of what you said I knew already – but I haven’t been trusting myself. I’m in awe of your gifts and your energy coming through in the reading. Thank you so much."

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With all readings it’s my purpose to help open doors of understanding and awareness.

May your awareness grow and along with it, your understanding of your life and your personal happiness too ☺︎

It’s always an honour and a pleasure to serve, if you feel a resonance I look forward to connecting more!

Much love,

ღ Matthew

☼ ˚ °◦✿ namasté ✿◦° ˚ ☼

"May the light of your soul guide you."

souldivination's photo


Media: Audio Call, Video Call

Local Time: (GMT+00:00) June 02, 2024, 03:12AM


Last seen: 2 days ago

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