This Advisor is not participating in Happy Hour


Over 20 years of experience in psychic reading, angelic communication and, spiritual guide. I can help you to make your life much much happier with peace of mind. Let me help you through my whole age experience! BLESSINGS TO ALL


No need to be depressed, alone and disappointed!!!!!
Seeking guidance!!!!
Accurate, ethical and honest insight and guidance on any of life matter!!!!!!!!!

CloseDegrees and Qualifications:

I am natural born psychic. I am clairvoyant, clairsentience and clairaudient. I can see, hear and feel psychic messages.

Diploma in Astrology and Numerology. I have been tarot reader from last 15 years. Dream interpretation, Graphology and Picture reading are my passions.

I am strict follower and having deep faith in several spiritual arts i.e. chanting .mantra, yoga, meditation, fasts, kundalini.


No need to be depressed, frustrated and disappointed on any of the life issue. You can expect clear and true insight on any of the matter related to love, relationship, career, job, finance, marriage, divorced etc. I can help you to get insight into your current situation and your future and can tell you the best course of action.

Can help you to make the path for peace of mind through spirituality. I can assist you on your path of growth. !!

You can come for discussion on any of the universal law i.e. Law of attraction, law of action, Law of cause and effects, Laws of relativity and many more.

immortaltruth's photo


Media: Audio Call,

Local Time: (GMT-05:00) June 01, 2024, 10:25PM


Last seen: more than a month ago

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