Katie M

Intuitive Tarot Card Guidance


Honest professional guidance for you, the client. Accurate & fast typing. I make no claims but I can meet you where you are and help guide you. Your future is being created by you for you. Sometimes we have to navigate the path unknown based on what we know and what we have yet to know. Beware of claims that tell you what you "want" to know. Gentle guidance through the mire that you may be experiencing through my gifted and intuitive tarot card readings. The ego may want to see the future, the truth is in knowing how to navigate the course. I specialise in love relationships, career mapping and general life guidance.

CloseDegrees and Qualifications:

Reiki I and II Psychic Development I, II and III Tarot Course


I’ve been an intuitive from the word go, my grandmother used to read the tea leaves! It goes back to my Celtic roots. I bought my first "She Book of the Future" some 30 years ago having always been interested in intuitive and psychic guidance. I have healing hands and am clairsentient. I will give you sensible honest guidance based on many years of talking to clients.

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Languages: English, French

Media: Audio Call,

Local Time: (GMT+00:00) June 02, 2024, 01:44AM

Location: Bristol  (Find on Google Maps)

Last seen: more than a month ago

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